For Patients…

Welcome to our Patient Guide on Anaesthesia! This user-friendly page is designed to address all your questions about the anaesthesia process. Explore types like local, regional, and general anaesthesia, each explained to ensure your comfort during surgery. Navigate through concise articles detailing the pre-operative assessment, administration of anaesthesia, and vigilant monitoring by our expert anaesthetists.

We’ve crafted this guide to be clear and provide you with knowledge, covering common concerns such as the fear of not waking up or experiencing side effects. From understanding personalised anaesthesia plans to gaining insights into post-operative recovery, each topic is tailored to demystify your anaesthetic experience. This condensed guide ensures you approach your surgical journey with confidence, knowing that every step is explained with your well-being in mind.

Why do I need to fast before anaesthesia?

Failure to adhere to fasting guidelines before anesthesia can pose significant risks to the patient. Primary concerns include the potential for aspiration, respiratory complications, regurgitation of …

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How can I prepare for an anaesthetic?

Preparing for anesthesia involves important steps to ensure a safe surgical experience. Follow fasting guidelines, disclose medical history and medications, attend pre-operative assessments, inform ab…

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What medications are used in anaesthesia?

In modern anesthesia, a variety of medications are used to ensure patient comfort and safety during surgical procedures. Induction agents like propofol, etomidate, and thiopentone initiate unconscious…

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What is an Anaesthetist?

Anaesthetists undergo rigorous training to safely administer anesthesia during surgery. In Canada, this involves a medical degree and a five-year anesthesia residency. In the US, it is a four-year ane…

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What is anaesthesia?

Anaesthesia is a crucial part of medical procedures, providing temporary loss of sensation or consciousness. Classified into local, regional, and general anaesthesia, the choice depends on the procedu…

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